Time is a passing constant, yet we live in a world where everyone says they are ‘running out of time’ and being ‘lost in time’. To understand time better, we borrowed the analogy from an analog clock. The natural passing of time within one day was then scaled to the whole week and the whole month.
In contrast to the traditional calendar that unnaturally jumps from one date to another, our calendar now enables you to see your position in time in every moment of your life.
Time on its own is very abstract, so people only perceive it in relation to the things that happen. With this in mind, we added value to the time passing by allowing you to add your own events. These events are directly linked to your Google calendar and are represented on Časovnik as little balls showing your upcoming events. Each day is divided in half so you can see if your event is happening in the morning or afternoon. Furthermore, you can see the current time by finding the indicator that is continuously moving.
iF Design Talent Award 2018 / Young Balkan Designers 2016 Award
iF Design Exhibition Hamburg 2018 / Mikser festival 2016, Belgrade / Indigo festival 2016, Ljubljana / Dominante Impressence 2016 / Tirana Architecture Weeks 2016 / Skopje Design Week 2016 / Creative Europe Forum 2017, Belgrade